Sheikh Russel Krira Chakra


It is delighting indeed that I have been made Chairman of the Sheikh Russel Krira Chakra Limited (SRKCL), a sporting and social entity of distinction, heritage and prestige. This is, I think my privilege and turn as well, to make it even greater by inserting new stories of success in the history of the SRKCL.

Over the previous years since my attachment with it as a major patron in 2015, the club though started taking a formal and healthier shape, had missed remarkable achievement at any level of the domestic soccer and table tennis leagues and tournaments.

No longer this pale scenario be allowed to persist, the SKRCL would soon build stronger and smarter soccer team with the target to clinch champion trophies. Time has come to promote and diversify the sporting events by relocating focus from football, for time being, to save traditional games of this soil from extinction as well as protect our youngsters from social degradation.

Why not our focus be on Kabadi, Table Tennis, Badminton, Cricket, Chess, Archery, Painting and so on? I am confident that youngsters from all strata of life will appreciate the games and come around.

Let us have a vow afresh to work together and harder for keeping the SRKCL’s heritage up and making our dreams a reality. It is important to remember that working together is always rewarding. Cheers…..!!!

Sayem Sobhan

It is delighting indeed that I have been made Chairman of the Sheikh Russel Krira Chakra Limited (SRKCL), a sporting and social entity of distinction, heritage and prestige. This is, I think my privilege and turn as well, to make it even greater by inserting new stories of success in the history of the SRKCL.

Over the previous years since my attachment with it as a major patron in 2015, the club though started taking a formal and healthier shape, had missed remarkable achievement at any level of the domestic soccer and table tennis leagues and tournaments.

No longer this pale scenario be allowed to persist, the SKRCL would soon build stronger and smarter soccer team with the target to clinch champion trophies. Time has come to promote and diversify the sporting events by relocating focus from football, for time being, to save traditional games of this soil from extinction as well as protect our youngsters from social degradation.

Why not our focus be on Kabadi, Table Tennis, Badminton, Cricket, Chess, Archery, Painting and so on? I am confident that youngsters from all strata of life will appreciate the games and come around.

Let us have a vow afresh to work together and harder for keeping the SRKCL’s heritage up and making our dreams a reality. It is important to remember that working together is always rewarding. Cheers…..!!!

Sayem Sobhan

It is delighting indeed that I have been made Chairman of the Sheikh Russel Krira Chakra Limited (SRKCL), a sporting and social entity of distinction, heritage and prestige. This is, I think my privilege and turn as well, to make it even greater by inserting new stories of success in the history of the SRKCL.

Over the previous years since my attachment with it as a major patron in 2015, the club though started taking a formal and healthier shape, had missed remarkable achievement at any level of the domestic soccer and table tennis leagues and tournaments.

No longer this pale scenario be allowed to persist, the SKRCL would soon build stronger and smarter soccer team with the target to clinch champion trophies. Time has come to promote and diversify the sporting events by relocating focus from football, for time being, to save traditional games of this soil from extinction as well as protect our youngsters from social degradation.

Why not our focus be on Kabadi, Table Tennis, Badminton, Cricket, Chess, Archery, Painting and so on? I am confident that youngsters from all strata of life will appreciate the games and come around.

Let us have a vow afresh to work together and harder for keeping the SRKCL’s heritage up and making our dreams a reality. It is important to remember that working together is always rewarding. Cheers…..!!!

Sayem Sobhan